About Us

OHHS Grad Night Boosters is a registered S corporation with the state of Washington.  In 2021, the grad night boosters ended the annual creation of new corporations and consolidated into a perpetual corporation that will carry over year to year.  The organization is governed by a board of directors, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer known as the executive board.  Additionally, committees are set up to handle individual tasks and each has a chairman that reports to the executive board.  There is no membership fee and all participating parents and community are considered members of the organization.  For voting purposes, the executive board and committee chairman will take input from the general membership and vote accordingly. 

Executive Board

President - Tina Gluth
Vice President - April Stach
Secretary - Saben Salisbury
Treasurer - David Guy

Communications-Kari Schneider

Committee Chairmen

Fundraising Committee Chairman - Peggy Hummel

Cookie Committee- Brandy Preston, Tina Gluth and YOU
Mother Flockers - Peggy Hummel and YOU

Grad Night Event Committee Chairman - This could be you

Volunteer Coordinator - This could be you